Gaspar & Michele Anastasi
Gaspar & Michele Anastasi
Gaspar & Michele Anastasi are the Senior Pastors of Word of Life Church in both Fort Myers, Florida and Freeport, New York. Word of Life Ministries was born over 35 years ago in Long Island, New York. In 2003, the world outreach headquarters for Word of Life Church was relocated from Freeport, New York to Fort Myers, Florida.
Sensing a strong apostolic call on his life, in 1997 Gaspar founded Global Church Fellowship International (GFCI) for which he serves as Executive Director. GCFI is a fellowship of churches whose purpose is to train, encourage, and support church leaders worldwide while imparting a heart for Israel and the Jewish people.
In 1985, he founded Word Of Life Ministries Bible Education Center (now Kairos University) to help train up the Body of Christ as God’s mighty army. Also in 1983, he founded the New Life Dream Centers, a rehabilitation program for drug and alcohol abusers. The New Life Dream Centers recently celebrated their 34th anniversary and today have, with the help of Jesus Christ, delivered hundreds of men and women from the bondage of drug and alcohol addiction and other dysfunctional lifestyles.
In nearly 40 years of ministry, and through the leading of the Holy Spirit, the Anastasi’s have developed a focus for total healing—spirit, soul, body, and relationships. As a result of Word Of Life’s unique and effective prayer ministry Stop Hurting Start Healing, many people have been healed of deep emotional scars caused by past hurts and rejection and now live lives that are whole and productive. Together, Gaspar and Michele have also pioneered a highly successful marriage counseling ministry. They also conduct marriage conferences often as well as other conferences on spiritual warfare, damaged emotions & past hurts, leadership development, and the annual Covenant With Israel Celebration hosted with Southwest Florida Regional Pastors, Leaders & Churches Association.
Gaspar also airs a daily radio program on 91.5 Kingdom FM and has written close to a dozen books. Michele Anastasi leads Word Of Life’s own Women to Women ministry and is active in women’s leadership development. They have been married since 1967 and have five children and four grandchildren.